Saturday, November 19, 2011

sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead ;

 Adele - Some Like You 

I want to be inspired so badly right now. I don't know why, i'm not sad or whatever. SeriouslyHonestly, I've got nothing to talk about now. I've been thinking bout acing all my exams next year these few days. I've always wanted to get good grades but i'm always too lazy to work for it. For an example, one of my new year's resolution is to get at least 4 A's in every exam but i failed, really bad. I just want to get straight ace for once, for SPM.

I had a conversation between both of my juniors, Emmanuel and Razman, yesterday. I learned a lot during our conversation and had some really deep thoughts. For once, i denied having a blog. I felt ashamed. I asked them, "Do i look like a sad kid to you?" and they replied, "no". Well, I've played the game very well. No one realised, no one noticed, no one found out. I denied having a blog was probably because i didn't want them to know that I'm actually sad all the timemost of time. Not like I'm still sad now. I'm proud to say that I'm a SELF-DIAGNOSED DEPRESSION PATIENT, not exactly self-diagnosed, with some help of my friends, if i had to say.

Really, I don't want to turn this blog into a sad blog or whatsoever. Urghh, i really don't want this blog to be known as boring or any negative things. I don't want this blog to be judged. Most of all, I don't want people to judge me by this blog, seriously, really.

I had been dying to share this photo but I forgot where i've seen it before. &look i've found it again!

Really, love with who you are and do what you love. Never mind if people judge you cause they don't know a thing about you. Contradictions.

blog nicely, boy, blog nicely. (write good and neat post that's what i meant)

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